Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Cairns' Cairns

One of our many stone walls borders the woods on one side of our driveway. We've always thought that, since we are the Cairns, it would be appropriate to have some cairns along that wall. Stones are heavy so the project had to wait until we had stones that needed a home.

Our basement has a number of windows. The ones in the older part of the basement are above ground level but the 3 in the newer basement have window wells. The wells were constructed of stacked field stones which, with the holes of some burrowing rodents, tended to turn into aquariums when the snow melted too quickly.

My project this Spring was to replace the stacked field stones with fiberglass rings that the water wouldn't get through. I suddenly had more stones than I knew what to do with.

The old wall was kind of flimsy so we used most of the stones to build it up. We did save the best stones to finally build 3 cairns along the wall.


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