Friday, March 22, 2019

Late Snow

We thought that we were finished with snow for the year (except for the stuff that's still piled up). The forecast shows no snow and we've had a number of days that reached 50° and a number of nights that didn't get down to freezing. So, of course, it's been snowing all day. It's above freezing and there's enough residual heat in the paved areas that nothing is sticking.

We had a half hour of some of the largest flakes that we've seen. Some seemed to be a couple of inches across. Kristen and I both had the same idea so we have 2 videos of the snow falling.

First we have Kristen's off the farmer's porch:

Then mine out the upstairs front window:

An update on our water situation: We finally have crystal clear water. Even when it was clear before, we only drank water that had gone through the charcoal filter in the refrigerator. Our tap water is now sweet and delicious and much better that the charcoal filter water.
