Saturday, August 24, 2019

New Sign on the House

We've added a new sign to the front of the house. Our neighborhood, the Oakham Center Historical District, was recently accepted into the National Register of Historic Places which is a part of the National Park System.

Thanks to Briar. She has a machine that creates computer generated vinyl letters so she helped with the sign.

Just in case you're interested, this particular designation doesn't put any limits on what we can do with the house.

National Register of Historic Places
Oakham Center Historic District

We've joked that the "Est." stands for estimate rather than established. The tax rolls didn't show a structure in 1836 but that it was there by 1837. 


Saturday, August 3, 2019

New Hampshire

For the 4th year in a row, we spent a week with Briar, Gus and the kids up in New Hampshire's White Mountains. The 1st 3 trips were in the North Conway area. This time, we stayed in Lincoln which is maybe 40 minutes closer to home.

"Unlawful to cause unsanitary coditions of pollution"

This is The Basin

Upstream from the Basin.

Cairn in the river.

Gus, Maya and Niko upstream from the Basin.

Another cairn in the river.

Same cairn.

Niko and Maya defying death.

The Loon Mountain parking lot had a whole row of parking spots with signs that said "BMW Parking" (go figure).

The trash dumpster at our condo. Loved the "Caution bear may be in dumpster" sign.

The "Open here" seemed like a dare. By the end of the week, they had replaced and doubled up on all the locks.

Covered bridge leading up to the Flume.

At the top of the Cannon Mountain gondola (carries 80 people). The cafe at the top features the highest beer tap in New Hampshire.

View from the top of Cannon Mountain.

Looking down at the gondola landing from the top of the mountain.

This was .2 miles to the beginning of the Falling Waters Trail. The trip up and back was about 4 miles of rigorous trail.

That's Gus and the kids at the upper falls.

Artists Bluff. This was to be a short hike but we missed a turn and looped around to approach from the backside. By the time that we realized that we'd missed our turn, it was shorter to just keep on going. We checked when we got back to where we should have turned and the trail was very poorly marked.

This is out of sequence but Loon Mountain had a zip line that was the only one that we found that would allow Maya to ride. I was elected to go with her. We zipped from a tower on one side of the river to the opposite bank. Then, after climbing a tower on that bank, we zipped back to the original bank.
