Saturday, January 13, 2018

Crazy Weather

After several weeks where the temperature only approached freezing a couple of times, we finally had a break this week. We had 2 or 3 days that started out in the 50's and approached the 60's before end of day. The snow had drifted so the depth varied from 1' to 3' (it was deepest right up against the West side of the house).

The snow wasn't melting quite fast enough so we topped it off with a 2-4" downpour yesterday evening. Early in the evening, Kristen heard a crash downstairs and discovered that we had Niagara Falls coming in through one of the basement windows. The window was intact but it was completely submerged and the water was getting in around the sliding panels.

We immediately got outside and cleared the snow blockages that were keeping the water from draining way from the house. By this morning, the sump pumps had done their job and the basement was practically dry. Also by this morning, the snow was almost completely gone (we had no idea that snow could melt that fast!).

Naturally, there was a lot on the news this morning (just in time) about the steps that you need to take to prevent this from happening and the neighbors were more than willing to tell us of the steps that they took yesterday. Live and learn. Once the ground thaws, we'll probably be making some improvements to the structures that surround the window wells.

Now, we're experiencing a sudden temperature drop off. When we woke up this morning, it was 59°. By the time that we ate breakfast and set out for our walk, had dropped to 41° (it was 43° when I was putting on my coat but had dropped to 41° by the time that we headed out the door). By the time that we got back home, it had dropped to 37°. It's now 6pm and we're down in the high teens. That's a 40° drop since this morning.


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